So here's my thoughts on the new jay album...overall,i give it 4 Stars out of 5

1) "Intro" Eh,boring,far from the classic Hov album intro tracks he's had in the past. It Gets No Bump In The Truck!
2) "Pray" Cool,nothing makin me say OMG on this one,but its cool...i feel as if i give it more time it will grow on me
3) "American Dreamin" Dope,the 1st track that made me feel like this was the "Reasonable Blueprint" album they said it was gonna be
4) "Hello Brooklyn 2.0" Eh,songs ok,i said i liked it,but its gettin no bump in the truck,a dude from NO on this? makes no sense
5) "No Hook" Dope,The Big Homie goes in on this one, crazy
6) "Roc Boys" Dope,Should have been the first single...hov kills it "thanks to all the hustlers,and most importantly,you,the customer"
7) "Sweet" Dope, beats crazy,hov goes in again,this shit bumps in the truck!
8) "I Know" Wack, i hate this song,beat sucks,pharell sucks on this,and hov is buggin with this one
9) "Party Life" Eh,its ok,kinda boring,but it might grow on me,for now it gets no bumpage in the truck
10) "Ignorant Shit" Dope,my only beef is that i heard it like 6 years ago,and beans only has 8 bars...otherwise,hot!
11) "Say Hello" Dope,classic hov,major bumpage in the truck
12) "Success" Dope,my favorite song on the album as of now,jay killed it,nas did too,but he seemed out of place on the track,he should have been on Fallin
13) "Fallin" Dope,2nd favorite song on the album as of now,hovie did his thing ofcourse,beats crazy,definitly bumps in the truck
14) "Blue Magic" Cool,loved it at first,but the beats just eh,so im kinda sick of it
15) "American Gangster" Dope,beats hot,makes me wanna boogie
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