I'm not even gonna do the normal review on this album because I am HIGHLY disapointed in it.
There are 13 songs on the album,I like 4 of them.
("Blood On The Wall","Adreneline","Do Tell","Angel In My Life")
Sorry Joey,but I was looking for Mood Muzik 4...
and you did not come thru.
But I am still looking forward to the Slaughter House album.
Out Of 5...
I Have To Give This Album 2 "Bumpin Whips"

Dayum son... i hate your review (2 Bumps? ...Really????) But... i must say as a die hard J.Budden Fan (a lil short of an actual Internet Solider..they know who they are) I have to admit that this album isnt all that i hoped it wud be..i'll take your 4 and add "Now I Lay", "I Cudnt Help It", and "Pray For Me" to that list of the gravy joints on his album.. BUT even tho i like those joints.. i still cant help but feel a little cheated as a fan...Dont get me wrong , i dig this album, but theres sumthing about it that i dont like..(uhhh..its not MM3? lol) and truth of the matter is.. if u dont like it your not gonna bump it (a wise jew once told me that, lmao) On another note... props to Joey.. im your still one, along w J.Ortiz, of my favs right now mang! Cant wait for SLAUGHTERHOUSE!
btw..i talked to Ortiz @ the Padded Room album release party (shouts to DJ Fur.e!) and he said the Slaughterhouse album will be on KOTCH ...due to drop in Aug!
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